“All Things Work Together” ( Romans 8:28, WYC ) by Carley Evans

"Scripture...sets before us Christ alone ...

God has a purpose for your life. Of that I am certain. Because His purposes are perfect, it follows that “all things work together into good” for those who are “called saints.” God perfectly manages events, people, tragedies, successes, changes in your life in a manner that ultimately leads to good for you, one of His saints.

“And we know, that to men that love God, all things work together into good, to them that after purpose be called saints.”

Your perspective however may not allow for you to fully appreciate the good. At times, suffering is so intense it’s easy to lose sight of the “good and perfect will of God.” At these moments, remember Jesus dying a slow painful and lonely death on the cross. Remember His words to the thief at His side, “Today, you will be with Me in paradise.” Jesus never loses sight of the good He’s pursuing.


6 thoughts on ““All Things Work Together” ( Romans 8:28, WYC ) by Carley Evans

  1. Encouraging words, Carley. Difficult as it may be sometimes, we can rest assured God is working everything for the good. You are correct… God does have a wonderful plan for our lives, we just have to remember it’s His plan and not ours. Thanks and God bless.

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